воскресенье, 12 мая 2013 г.

21 Questions with Big Meech: AllHipHop.com’s EXCLUSIVE Two-Part Interview

Big Meech was once the biggest cocaine kingpin in America. The United States government alleged in his notorious 2005 indictment that the Black Mafia Family (BMF) had generated over $270 million in drug sales. In fact, in addition to his incarceration, Meech has been ordered to repay $270 million, virtually guaranteeing that he will never earn an income from his infamy.
He’s now incarcerated under a 23-hour lockdown. Unable to have phone calls or visits until early 2013. However, he does receive dozens of letters regularly. And he answers them.

When AllHipHop.com interviewed BMF founder, Big Meech’s ex-girlfriend, Sabrina Peterson, we expected to learn a little more about the man behind the myth. Little did we know, we would learn it from the man himself. The BMF boss cleared up a few inaccuracies in the Peterson story. For example, there were only 20-25 inmates in his former prison with BMF tattoos, and he has not been incarcerated for four years, but seven. After hearing about and getting a copy of our interview with Peterson, Big Meech wrote AllHipHop.com to tell his story.
We sent Big Meech a series of questions, asking his opinion on his prison sentence, and his relationship with Young Jeezy, which strangely enough, appears to be on rocky ground. We even got his opinion of President Obama. Here are his answers, edited only for spelling and grammar (at his request):
AllHipHop.com: Do you regret any of your choices?
Big Meech: No, because the risk has always been worth the reward in most of the choices I made in life, and not all things are by choice when you are a child growing up in the ghetto without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.
AllHipHop.com: Why did you start selling?
Big Meech: My brother, sister, and I grew up in a household with both our parents. Neither of my parents had any type of drug or drinking habits. We were raised in the church, so we prayed for everything. When the food stamps and the WIC program box of food was late, then we pray. When the electric and gas got cut off, we pray and to pray is to have faith that God is going to help you or show you the way to help yourself, faith without works means nothing so after many nights with the gas and lights off and going to school with holes in the bottom of my 2 for $15 Payless shoes, and my brother and I wearing the same clothes every other day. Then, we had 30 days to come up with $7,500, or else we would be put out in the street. My brother and I had to find a way to make some fast money, so we hit the streets and came up without having to rob and kill someone. It was supply and demand, simple as that.
I feel God has always watched out for my brother and I, because he knows our hearts. The government sells liquor and cigarettes along with prescription drugs that help one thing and hurt another every day. I haven’t read one drug law in the Bible or in any of the 10 Commandments. If you do a survey, I guarantee you there are more people addicted to prescribed drugs than street drugs. So, long story short, I did what I felt was necessary for my family and I to survive at the time.
What’s funny is as long as I was just selling drugs, I had no problems. Once I went legit, all of a sudden, I have a 15-year conspiracy indictment from 1990-2005 out of the eastern district of Michigan, where I hadn’t lived since 1989, so I still can’t understand how I got indicted in Michigan.
AllHipHop.com: What would you do differently?
Big Meech: Absolutely nothing, I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “experience is the best teacher.” I’ve learned some of life’s most valuable lessons; I’m still learning something new every day as long as I keep living.
AllHipHop.com: Why do you think people idolize you?
Big Meech: I’m not sure it’s correct for me to give an specific reason of why people idolize me, because it’s a matter of opinions and those opinions vary in different age groups, from as young as 10 years old to elderly people. I think everyone has an idol or has someone in their life or in the movies that they idolize.
AllHipHop.com: Do you think they should?
Big Meech: I think to say yes would make me seem very arrogant, but to be looked upon as an idol is a great achievement for all of the years of sacrificing, hard work, and dedication building Big Meech and the BMF reputation and brand. I can’t think of any other man incarcerated for the last seven years that’s still relevant or influential, which I’m not sure if you noticed that when Big Meech and BMF fell so did the economy (LOL) and seriously, that’s not a joke or laughing matter because there is nothing funny about people struggling, I just wonder if you notice the major impact that we had and drastic change for the worse in America’s economy after our incarceration near the end of 2005.
AllHipHop.com: What went through your mind when you heard your sentence?
Big Meech: First, I was told by my lawyers that the judge would probably sentence me to between 20 and 30 years, and with it being my first time, I thought that would mean something. But, the judge seemed to have a problem with my brother and me. At every court proceeding, he was on the prosecution’s side instead of being the mediator that a judge is supposed to be. My brother got sentenced to 240 months for money laundering and 360 months for CCE (Continuous Criminal Enterprise) to run concurrent, so I had to keep my composure and a smile on my face for my family and the standing room-only courtroom.
When the judge asked me did I have something to say, I said, “I’m not going to say I’m sorry, because I’m sorry is for people who got caught.” The judge gave me the same sentence as he gave my brother, and I walked out with a smile. It just broke my heart to see my mother break down in tears while the U.S. Attorney laughed. At the end of the day, I feel God won’t allow me to do 30 years, and I was glad to get an outdate because every day down is another day closer to home.
AllHipHop.com: Why are cocaine kingpins so severely punished?
Big Meech: I’m not sure why the government and federal agencies love to hate “cocaine kingpins.” Seventy percent of the people the government allege to be kingpins have never seen a whole kilo or made a million dollars, so evidently the government has no criteria to determine whether a person is a kingpin or not – because I have met crack dealers who had only a few eight balls and ounces that have kingpin time. Just like when the government tried to charge DJ Drama with the RICO for selling mixtapes. I think someone needs to police the government with their judiciary misconduct and abuse of the constitution and laws.
AllHipHop.com: What do you think your punishment should have been?
Big Meech: I definitely don’t think my punishment should have been this severe. Thirty years for my first time, and that was the plea deal (LOL). I would have gotten a life sentence for ghost dope, and one witness testimony if I had went to trial. I think a few years in prison and community service, detouring children and adults from crime and drugs would’ve been much more sufficient, and I could’ve used my influence in a much more positive way.
Check back for Part Two of our EXCLUSIVE interview with Big Meech, where he talks about his relationship with Young Jeezy, his opinions on Rick Ross, and how he feels about President Barack Obama.

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